At the November meeting we had a brief business meeting followed by a social.

There are 108 dues paying members in VCCA. Last year we had about 150 dues paying members. Only dues paying members are invited to the Holiday Party, the restriction will be included in the monthly newsletter. There was discussion on the drop in the membership. The Holiday Party details will be in the newsletter & distributed via block captains.

The annual Holiday lights will be announced in the January newsletter.

Jon Jones, Board rep for the Vermont Commons Security Foundation, gave a recap on the Oct 27, 2015 VC security Foundation. There have been many questions on the constable patrol that is targeted for starting March of 2016. Constable Alan Rosen was present to recap the program again with details of the program and highlight how well it is working in Mandel Place, Winlow Place & Cherryhurst. Constable Rosen answered questions on the program. The Security Foundation is now taking enrollments for starting the Patrol. A website is available for subscribing to the program: The Security Foundation is non-profit foundation. At least 235 residents are the minimum needed to make program viable, that is about one third of the VCCA residents to sign up. So far about 30 have paid.

The meeting adjourned to a social hour.

November VCCA Meeting Recap